Life and personal development coaching in Carry-le-Rouet

Claudine Wilde the reference for personalized support in the PACA region

Letting go

"Let go of your brakes and limiting beliefs, make your life a colorful, sparkling bouquet of flowers!" Claudine Wilde

Life and personal development coach in Carry-le-Rouet

From the age of 6 to 20, I was a top-level sportswoman, then from the age of 19 to 47, I worked as an international actress. It forced me to go beyond myself, to know myself in depth, to go outside my comfort zone and discover the power of the mind. I have acquired a deep understanding of thehuman being and its different facets.

As the mother of two grown-up boys and living in Carry-le-Rouet, I specialize in life coaching and offer a unique and innovative approach : transformational coaching. This coaching is based on releasing your brakes, limiting beliefs and fears (etc…) in order to unleash your full potential and be fully happy.

Setting goals

"If you're not planning for success, you're planning for failure." Jack Canfield

Mental coach in Sausset-les-Pins

Today, with my energy, my know-how and the cutting-edge coaching techniques of Excellence Academy, I support women entrepreneurs, executives and overworked managers.

“Who I am

“What do I really want as a woman?”

“And as a mother?”

“How to reconcile personal and professional life?”

If you’re asking yourself these kinds of questions, then transformational coaching is for you.

I’ll help you to become truly aware of your situation and to ask yourself the fundamental questions you need to ask in order to rediscover the meaning of your life and become a confident, fulfilled woman.

My coaching is deep and tailored to help you achieve lasting transformation. I help you regain health and serenity in all areas of your life.

Michael Defasque 62: limiting beliefs

“Meeting Claudine was like putting a booster in my life! She gives me the energy to achieve my dreams and goals. When I feel unable to walk, she makes me able to run. Everything I no longer believed in, Claudine makes me believe in it again! Her unfailing commitment, good humor and kindness gave me the strength and willpower to regain control of my life and my emotions: today I’m in much better health, I’ve got plans again and I’ve learned to take care of myself. At this particularly difficult time in my life, I realize the importance of the mental and physical resources that Claudine’s coaching has given me. Without her guidance, I would have been swept away, depressed, broken by stress and worries…thanks to her I remain upright, alive, grounded and positive. I’m so grateful for the road we’ve travelled together that I just want to keep going!

>>> Namaste “

Finding fulfillment

"Mindset coaching is the most effective, fastest lever to change your harmful habits and be fulfilled." Claudine Wilde

It is with great pleasure that I observe the transformation of my clients at every session.

As a neuroscience-based ECA-certified coach, I apply the latest coaching techniques.
My clientsclick and change very quickly and sustainably.

My raison d’être is to make women feel fulfilled in their professional, family and personal lives , and to havea positive and lasting impact on thousands of women through my programs.


I offer long-term support to help you rediscover a healthier and more balanced life in the 6 areas of your life:

Nathalie 55 years old

Amandine 28 : Self-confidence

    Hayet Lannabi, 47 ans


    « Bonjour Claudine, ce message pour te dire un GRAND MERCI. Beaucoup de joie, de bonheur et de gratitude ce matin. Je me réjouis de te partager ma joie de pouvoir enfin rentrer à nouveau dans mes belles robes que je ne portais plus depuis des années (12 ans et 45 Kg après). J'en suis toute excitée. J'ai beaucoup de reconnaissance pour ce que tu m’as permis, pour ton soutien, ta présence, ton aide, tes encouragements, ton énergie transmise, ton accompagnement, tes éclairages, ton éducation à la santé qui m'ont permis de vivre avec beaucoup de bonheur et de plaisir. Mais l'aventure continue encore, pour aller plus loin dans la poursuite de nos objectifs. Merci beaucoup. Je t'aime ❤. Hayet »

      Hélène LEBEAU, 48 ans

      Cadre à Paris

      « Je recommande sans hésitation le programme de coaching sportif concocté par Claudine. Je souhaitais retrouver davantage de vitalité, d’énergie, retravailler mon cardio, bref me remettre en mouvement. Je n’y arrivais pas seule, Claudine a été le bon coach ! Les séances proposées sont complètes et allient cardio, renforcement musculaire de l’ensemble du corps. J’ai énormément apprécié l’engagement de Claudine, son professionnalisme - elle est là pour vous - , sa vitalité. Et probablement par-dessus tout son exigence - pour vous mais également pour elle dans son implication - tout en bienveillance. Cerise sur ie gâteau, une flexibilité largement appréciée sur les horaires, je ne me serais pas engagée sinon.»

      How to find me

      Find me in Carry-le-Rouet and throughout the PACA region, from Marseille to Aix-en-Provence.
      I welcome you to my wellness center or come to your home for personalized massage sessions, sports coaching and nutritional consultations.
      Book an appointment easily via Cfixé or contact me directly.