Testimonials about comprehensive coaching sessions in Carry-le-Rouet
Claudine Wilde the reference for personalized support in the PACA region
Testimonial videos: massages and comprehensive support
Relaxing or energizing massage and weight-loss coaching by your certified eating disorders coach near Martigues
Claudine accompanies you to find your balance and fulfillment.
The deep massage as well as nutrition sessions and sport help you regain confidence, lose weight and much more…
- All
- Massages
- Mental coaching
- Weight loss
How to find me
Find me in Carry-le-Rouet and throughout the PACA region, from Marseille to Aix-en-Provence.
I welcome you to my wellness center or come to your home for personalized massage sessions, sports coaching and nutritional consultations.
Book an appointment easily via Cfixé or contact me directly.